Preparing for the UPSC Civil Services Examination is a challenging task that requires dedication, smart study techniques, and most importantly, the right set of books. Choosing the best books can make a huge difference in your preparation journey. In this article, we will discuss the most recommended books for each stage of the UPSC exam—Prelims, Mains, and Interview.
Why Choosing the Right Books is Important?
The UPSC exam is known for its vast syllabus and unpredictable nature. Having the best books ensures that you are covering the most relevant topics in the most efficient way. The right books help in:
- Understanding the concepts deeply
- Covering the entire syllabus systematically
- Improving answer-writing skills
- Enhancing knowledge with the best reference material
Let’s now explore the subject-wise best books for UPSC preparation.
Best Books for UPSC Prelims
The Prelims stage consists of two papers:
- General Studies (GS Paper I)
- CSAT (GS Paper II)
General Studies (Paper I)
- History
- India’s Ancient Past by R.S. Sharma (Ancient History)
- A Brief History of Modern India by Spectrum Publications (Modern History)
- History of Medieval India by Satish Chandra (Medieval History)
- NCERT History Books (Class 6 to 12) (For Basic Understanding)
- Geography
- Certificate Physical and Human Geography by G.C. Leong
- NCERT Geography Books (Class 6 to 12)
- Atlas by Oxford or Orient BlackSwan
- Polity
- Indian Polity by M. Laxmikanth (Must-read for Polity)
- Economy
- Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh
- NCERT Economics Books (Class 9 to 12)
- Environment & Ecology
- Environment by Shankar IAS Academy
- NCERT Biology Class 12 (Relevant Chapters)
- Science & Technology
- NCERT Science Books (Class 6 to 10)
- Current Affairs and Science Reports (The Hindu, PIB, Science Reporter)
- Current Affairs
- The Hindu / The Indian Express (Newspapers)
- Yojana & Kurukshetra Magazines
- Monthly Current Affairs Compilation by Coaching Institutes
CSAT (Paper II)
- CSAT Manual by TMH
- Analytical Reasoning by M.K. Pandey
- Quantitative Aptitude by R.S. Aggarwal
Best Books for UPSC Mains
Mains examination is descriptive and requires in-depth knowledge of subjects. Below are the recommended books:
General Studies (Paper I to IV)
- GS Paper I (History, Geography, Society)
- History books (Same as Prelims)
- Geography books (Same as Prelims)
- Indian Society by Ram Ahuja
- GS Paper II (Polity, Governance, IR)
- Indian Polity by M. Laxmikanth
- Governance in India by M. Laxmikanth
- Introduction to the Constitution of India by D.D. Basu
- GS Paper III (Economy, Science, Environment, Security, Disaster Management)
- Economy books (Same as Prelims)
- India Year Book by Government of India
- Disaster Management by IGNOU Material
- GS Paper IV (Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude)
- Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude by Lexicon
- Ethics in Governance by ARC Reports
Essay Paper
- Essays for Civil Services by Pulkit Khare
- Previous Year Essay Papers
Best Books for Optional Subjects
UPSC allows candidates to choose an optional subject. Some of the most popular optional subjects and their books are:
- Public Administration
- Public Administration by Laxmikanth
- Administrative Thinkers by Prasad and Prasad
- Geography
- Geography of India by Majid Hussain
- World Geography by G.C. Leong
- History
- India’s Struggle for Independence by Bipan Chandra
- A History of Medieval India by Satish Chandra
- Anthropology
- Anthropology by Ember and Ember
- Anthropology Simplified by Vivek Bhasme
- Political Science & International Relations
- Foundations of Political Science by O.P. Gauba
- Introduction to International Relations by Baylis and Smith
Best Books for UPSC Interview (Personality Test)
The interview round is the final stage of the UPSC exam. To prepare effectively:
- Mock Interviews by Coaching Institutes
- India Year Book
- Current Affairs (Newspapers and Magazines)
- Manorama Yearbook
Tips for Choosing the Right Books
- Always prefer NCERTs for conceptual clarity.
- Refer to standard books and avoid multiple sources for the same subject.
- Make short handwritten notes from books for quick revision.
- Stay updated with current affairs from newspapers and magazines.
- Practice answer writing regularly with previous year papers.
Final Words
Choosing the right books is the first step towards success in the UPSC exam. However, books alone won’t be enough—consistency, revision, and practice are equally important. Follow a disciplined study plan, use these books wisely, and stay motivated. Success in UPSC is achievable with the right guidance and determination.
We hope this article helps you in selecting the best books for your UPSC preparation. Good luck with your journey to becoming a civil servant!